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Like discussions on religious beliefs or which Batman movie was best, politics is a topic better left untapped for the sake of avoiding a...


Wally de Backer doesn’t need another hit to cement his place in pop music history. If he never releases another piece of music for...


With the recent hubbub over NASA’s Curiosity roving and zapping the landscape of Mars, I thought it was high time to give a shout-out...


Produced by Gavin Polone  Written by David Koepp, John Kamps  Directed by David Koepp  Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez, Jamie Chung, Aaron...


WARNING: This column contains SPOILERS and a special kind of hate against the continued economically unrealistic portrayal of rickshaw drivers. Dear Hollywood, These were...


The Internet Movie Database, or IMDb, has enabled millions of people with the opportunity to never have to work for information about movies or...

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